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0- 220km with my ford sierra 2.3L 8v dohc hybrid
ford sierra 2.3L 8v dohc hybrid.wmv
Ford Sierra 2.3 DOHC 0-100 acceleration
ford sierra 2.3l 8v dohc 4l with ITB
Ford Sierra RS2300 2,3 16v acceleration
Ford Sierra 2.3 Turbo Volvo
Ford Sierra DOHC Turbo 0,7 60-150 Beschleunigung
Ford Sierra (0-100 Kmh 3,08 Sec)
k3nn37's ford sierra 2.3l 8v dohc with ITB's
Ford Sierra Y5A 0-200 km/h
Ford Sierra 2.3 16v turbo first rides
Ford Sierra 92' 2.0 DOHC 0-100